SCALE 1:50

the building process     page 13


Main ballasttank is full
and pistonstanks  are half full

diving slow

test site for the new savety board with a microprocessor
test board to control the submarine with a microprocessor

making the software for it in Pic basic

the controllerboard with the microprocessor

it controls:
1.  the powersupply.
2.  if there is no receiver, the submarine come's up or the emergency      buoy go's up.
3. if the air in the tank is low the snorkel valve go's open and the  compressor go on, only if the "snorkel"is dry.
4. if the "snorkel"go's wet, the valve is closing and the compressor stopping.
5. water in the submarine, it com's up.
6. power low, it comes up
7. signal lost, it comes up
8. reset funtion


it are three boards for other submarines to.

its testing the submarine 50 times a second'for failures!!

The submarine is ready to take her first seatrails

All the electronics, the micro controller checks the sub 50 times a second

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Last changes made, 24-jan-2014