SCALE 1:19

the building process  page 13

                     The electronics.
     1. Assan 2.4GHz receiver.
     2. Turnigy UBEC for 5 volt.
     3. Magnet switch to get the 7.2 volts on the UBEC and Main winch.
     4. The electronics to dubble the 7.2 volt to 13 volt for the main engine.
     5. The brushed motor ESC 45 Amp. with microprocessor.
          Now I am making th a bit-switch to get the navigation light on/ off and the power on the ESC.

making the spar 2.65 meter

with epoxy and carbon tube

the foam  spar with one layer glasfiber

the first layer Carbon, the result is 3 layers carbon with epoxy

the last layer carbon stocking  on the spar

place heatshrink over the spar and heat it, so the spar will be shiny.

the cutting edge of the spar

removed heatshrink of the spar

the cnc proxxon MF70 mill

making the footblocks

footblocks for the genua

The blocks

the rail and trveller

sandblast the blocks

nickel  of the blocks

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Last changes made, 24-jan-2014